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Immerse Defence

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Virtual reality offers the defence force a unique advantage in providing soldiers and military personnel with an exceptional level of training. As our global geopolitical situation adapts to the rapid advancements in technology, our defence force needs to be prepared for any situation and anticipate the potential outcomes.

Immersive technologies for Defence include:

  • 360 Video for Defence
  • Mobile Augmented Reality for Defence
  • Hololens Augmented Reality for Defence
  • HTC Vive Virtual Reality for Defence
  • Oculus Go Virtual Reality for Defence

Imagine parachuting into difficult terrain, nothing can prepare you for a real life combat situation. Virtual reality brings us much closer to these high pressure environments. Simulations create opportunities for soldiers to train in the middle of hostile battlegrounds without risking their life or exposing themselves to volatile war zones before they are both physically and mentally prepared.

Example applications of this technology include:

  • Training simulations for air force pilots and personnel such as a virtual reality flight simulator
  • Simulations of battlefields and flashpoints including high pressure scenarios
  • Training for Medical personnel in conflict zones
  • Virtual boot camps to create training exercises for cadets in an immersive environment
  • Vehicle training simulations to operate military equipment virtually
  • Treatment of post traumatic stress disorder in defence personnel who have experienced traumatic events
  • Weapons training such as operations, cleaning, assembly and target practice.
  • Virtual military history to provide context to military training, operations, traditions and exercises.
  • Situational awareness by providing virtual environments in which the user is required to remain alert and vigilant.
  • Assessment of troops under heavy stress and situations that require a high level of endurance
  • Development of specific skills that are valuable across all branches of the defence force
  • Psychological testing and assessment for new recruits to determine suitability to their roles in the defence force

These are just a few ways in which this technology could be used to provide cutting edge training and education to recruits and active defence force personnel. Virtual reality’s adoption by militaries throughout the world has demonstrated just how powerful this technology is in the next generation of global defence operations. We offers services that are dedicated to providing applications for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, and working with you on the potential defence applications you have in mind would be our pleasure. Get in touch with us to discover more.

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